Wildfire addresses the risk of homes in the wildland/urban interface to the wildland fire.
Making your home able to survive an approaching wildfire is the goal of the Hazardous Fuels program.

Generally, ignition-resistant plants are ones that are low growing and do not generate a lot of debris such as fronds, leaves or similar material that will act as fuel for a wildfire.  Many of these plants are also higher in moisture content and are not as susceptible to a wildfire as other dryer plants would be.  Some species are more likely to survive than others depending on your elevation and climate.

Quick Facts:

  • Ignition-resistant landscaping can be aesthetically pleasing while reducing potential wildfire fuel.
  • Plant choice, spacing and maintenance are critical.
  • Your landscape, and the plants in it, must be maintained to retain their Firewise properties.

Note: For More Information about Any of These Plants, Please Visit: http://plants.usda.gov/cgi_bin/topics.cgi

Flowers & Ground Covers:

Scientific Name: Common Name:
1 Achillea lanulosaa Native Yarrow
2 Aconitum columbianumac Columbian Monkshood
3 Allium cernumac Nodding Onion
4 Allium geyeriac Geyer Onion
5 Anaphalis margaritaceaa Pearly Everlasting
6 Antennaria parvifoliaab Small-Leaf Pussytoes
7 Antennaria roseab Rosy Pussytoes
8 Aquilegia spp. Columbine
9 Aquilegia coeruleaa Colorado Blue Columbine
10 Arabis sp.b Rockcress
11 Artemesia frigidaac Fringed Sage
12 Artemesia ludovicianaa Prairie Sage
13 Aster leavisa Smooth Aster
14 Aster porteria Porter Aster
15 Calochortus gunnisoniia Mariposa Lily
16 Campanula rotundifoliaa Common Harebell
17 Claytonia lanceolataa Spring Beauty
18 Delphinium spp.c Delphinium
19 Dianthus spp. Pinks
20 Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed
21 Erigeron flagellariusa Whiplash Daily, Trailing Fleabane
22 Eriogonum umbellatuma Sulfur Flower
23 Erysimum asperuma Western Wallflower
24 Gaillardia aristataa Blanket Flower
25 Geranium spp. Hardy Geraniums
26 Geum triflorum Prairie Smoke
27 Helianthella quinquenervisa Aspen Sunflower
28 Helianthus pumilusa Small Sunflower
29 Heuchera spp. Coral Bells
30 Ipomopsis aggregataa Scarlet Gilia
31 Iris missouriensis Native Iris
32 Leucocrinum montanuma Sand Lily
33 Liatris punctataa Dotted Grayfeather
34 Linum lewisiiac Wild Blue Flax
35 Lupinus argenteusac Silver Lupine
36 Mertensia Ianceolataa Narrow-Leaved Chiming Bells
37 Mimulus guttatusa Yellow Monkey-Flower
38 Monarda fistulosaa Native Beebalm
39 Oenothera caespitosaa White Stemless Evening Primrose
40 Penstemon caespitosusbc Mat Penstemon
41 Penstemon seqndiflorusc Sidebells
42 Penstemon virensac Blue Mist Penstemon
43 Polemonium Jacobs Ladder
44 Potentilla fissaa Leafy Potentilla
45 Ratibida columniferaa Prairie Coneflower
46 Rudbeckia hirtaa Black-Eyed Susan
47 Scutellaria brittoniia Skullcap
48 Sedum spp.b Stonecrop
49 Sedum lanceolatum Yellow Stonecrop
50 Senecio spartioidesc Broom Groundsel
51 Solidago missouriensisa Smooth Goldenrod
52 Thalictrum fendleria Fendler Meadowrue
53 Thermopsis divaricarpaa Spreading Golden Banner
54 Tradescantia occidentalisa Western Spiderwort
1 Arctostaphylos uva-ursiab Kinnikinnick, Bearberry
2 Betula glanulosaa Bog Birch
3 Ceanothus fendleria Buckbrush, Mountain Lilac
4 Cercocarpus intricatus Little-Leaf Mountain Mahogany
5 Cercocarpus montanusac True Mountain Mahogany
6 Chrysothamnus spp.a Rabbitbrush
7 Cornus stolonifera Redwig Dogwood
8 Holodiscus dumosusa Ocean Spray, Cliff/Rock Spirea
9 Jamesia americanaa Wax Flower
10 Mahonia repensab Creeping Grape Holly
11 Philadelphus microphyllusa Little-Leaf Mockorange
12 Physocarpus monogynusa Mountain Ninebark
13 Prunus besseyia Western Sand Cherry
14 Purshia tridentataa Antelope Bitterbrush
15 Ribes aureuma Golden Currant
16 Rhus sp.a Sumac
17 Rosa woodsiia Woods Or Native Wild Rose
18 Shepardia canadensisa Russet Buffaloberry
19 Symphoricarpos spp. Snowberry, Coralberry
20 Viburnum edulea Highbush Cranberry
21 Yucca glaucaa Spanish Bayonet, Small Soapweek, Great
Plains Yucca
Large Shrubs and Trees:
1 Acer glabruma Rocky Mountain Maple
2 Acer grandidentatuma Wasatch Maple
3 Alnus tenuifoliaa Thinleaf Alder
4 Amelanchier alnifoliaa Saskatoon Alder-Leaf Serviceberry
5 Amelanchier utahensisa Utah Serviceberry
6 Cercocarpus ledifoliusa Mountain Mahogany
7 Corylus cornutaa Filbert, Beaked Hazelnut
8 Crataegus spp,a Hawthorn (Several Native)
9 Populus tremuloidesa Aspen
10 Prunus americanaa American Wild Plum
11 Prunus pennsylvanicaa Pine/Fire/Wild/Red Cherry
12 Prunus virviniana melanocarpaac Western Chokecherry
13 Rubus delisiosusa Boulder Raspberry, Thimbleberry
14 Populus sp.a Narrowleaf Cottonwood
15 Salix amygdaloidesa Peachleaf Willow
16 Shepherdia argenteaa Silver Buffaloberry
17 Sorbus scopulinaa Western Mountain Ash
A– Native Species
B– Ground Cover Plant
C-This Species, Or Some Species In This Genus, May Be Poisonous To Livestock, Pets, Wildlife And/Or People Under Some Conditions